Healthy Knees Need Chiropractic

It’s between your hips and your feet: where the bottom of your thigh meets the top of your lower leg bones (tibia and fibula).  Right there sits an odd shaped joint with a strange little bone (the patella) floating in front of it.  Well, not exactly floating - all those bones are strapped together with lots of ligament so everything stays in place.

It’s your knee of course and its main purpose is to be dislocated, jammed, twisted, cause immense pain and ruin your life.


Of course we’re just kidding, but for many people knee problems are a constant part of their lives. What causes knee problems?  Usually an injury.  Let’s face it, people were not designed to run into each other (or a wall) chasing a little ball (football, soccer, etc.), get twisted into the shape of a pretzel (wrestling) or run, quick stop, turn, run, quick stop, turn over and over (tennis, squash, etc.). 

And how many people were quietly driving their car when a tree or telephone pole suddenly ran into their paths and Mr. Knee met Ms. Dashboard?  The numbers are legion.

There are many way your wonderful knees can be a source of misery.  If your knees aren’t healthy and balanced your entire body structure, hips, back, neck, head, even feet and toes can be affected. In fact, many spinal problems can be traced to knee injuries even if they occurred in childhood. 

Many times the knees feel fine, but they are the cause of a structural imbalance that causes other body areas to suffer.

The reverse may also be true – an unhealthy, unbalanced spinal column can put intense pressure on one or both knees, causing early aging (arthritic changes).

Don’t walk around in misery, and before you consider risky knee surgery see your doctor of chiropractic. Your DC is especially trained to keep your body structure balanced and aligned.  That includes your knees. 

Scot Caven